
Investing in Businesses that Respect the Environment and Individuals

We implement the most advanced environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) standards to create long-term competitive advantage

We value the environmental, governance, and social aspects of our investments and foster long-term sustainable development

Our commitment to responsible investment is underscored and strengthened by our adherence to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment

Art. 3 – Transparency of sustainability risk policies

Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (the “Regulation”) defines sustainability risks as environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment to which they pertain. PM&Partners SGR S.p.A. ( the “SGR”) restricts the assets in which it could theoretically invest by excluding the possibility of investing in economic sectors identified in accordance with widespread market practices, inspired by a set of considerations including the desire to prevent exposure to sustainability risks relating to a part of them. Inoltre, nella fase preliminare, la SGR svolge un’analisi approfondita dell’opportunità di investimento, anche attraverso incontri con il management della società target, volta alla definizione di un preliminary memorandum, in cui sono riepilogati rischi, opportunità e aree critiche, anche con riferimento ai rischi di sostenibilità. Tale valutazione costituisce la base per la decisione del team di investimento sulla continuazione del processo. La prosecuzione del processo prevede, per ciascuna opportunità di investimento, lo svolgimento di una due diligence, in collaborazione con terze parti specializzate, che approfondisce le aree critiche precedentemente individuate e che verte su ambiti finanziari e su ambiti attinenti ai rischi di sostenibilità. Rispetto a questi ultimi la SGR svolge un’analisi di materialità che consente di individuare gli aspetti ambientali, sociali e di governance rilevanti per la società target e valuta la corretta gestione degli stessi (ad esempio presidi organizzativi, strategie, obiettivi, ecc.). Sulla base di tale valutazione vengono definite azioni correttive su eventuali carenze identificate. I risultati delle attività svolte vengono inclusi nel memorandum utilizzato per le decisioni di investimento. In qualità di investitore di maggioranza o di minoranza qualificata, la SGR adotta meccanismi e sistemi di governance appropriati che consentono un regolare monitoraggio, tra l’altro, delle performance finanziarie delle partecipate in portafoglio e della gestione degli specifici rischi di sostenibilità identificati in fase di selezione del relativo investimento. Inoltre, ove necessario od opportuno, la SGR attiva un dialogo costruttivo con gli organi di governo delle partecipate ed esercita il potere decisionale al fine di influenzare positivamente la gestione dei rischi di sostenibilità nella società in portafoglio.

Release Date: March 10, 2021

Art. 4 – No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

The SGR does not currently take into consideration, in the sense envisaged by art. 4, paragraph 1 point b) of the Regulation, principal adverse impacts (“PAIs”), defined as the most significant negative impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors relating to environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters. In fact, the SGR does not currently believe to be in the conditions to collect exhaustive and sufficient information and data from its portfolio companies to disclose according to the PAI statement template in Annex I of the Delegated regulation (EU) 2022/1288 (“RTS”). However, the SGR assesses the negative externalities of its investment activity through (i) a negative screening designed to exclude investments in companies with characteristics that are incompatible with the SGR’s Responsible Investment approach, (ii) due diligence activities also extended to the ESG factors, and (iii) periodic monitoring, during the holding period, of the ESG performances and impacts of the investment portfolio. The SGR reserves the right to reassess its position, and should it decide to take into account PAIs in accordance with art. 4, paragraph 1 point a) of the Regulation and in the form prescribed by the RTS, it will update the website accordingly.

Release Date: March 10, 2021
Date of 1st update: March 10, 2023

Art. 5 – Transparency of remuneration policies in relation to the integration of sustainability risks

The SGR is required to adopt sound and prudent compensation and incentive policies that reflect and promote sound and effective risk management and do not encourage risk-taking that is inconsistent with the risk profiles and regulations of the funds it manages. In application of this principle, the SGR ‘s remuneration policies do not encourage sustainability risk-taking. In particular, the assessment of the results taken into account by the SGR for the purposes of assigning variable remuneration is carried out net of any negative impact deriving – ex ante or ex post – from the sustainability risks taken by the SGR.

Release Date: March 10, 2021